Sound of Silence
Liessel, Netherlands
We invite you to join us for a retreat situated in the calm countryside of Liessel, located in the southern region of Holland. The retreat begins with a 5 day Hridaya Silent retreat. After that there will be an option to extend your stay for a few additional nights, to kindly transition back into the 'normal' world.
Please read carefully before registration.
DATES: 5th of July – 13th of July 2024
PROGRAM PART 1 | 5 day Hridaya Silent Retreat (6 nights)
Friday 5th of July: Check-in | 14:00 h. food will be served | 18:00 h. start retreat introduction | 19:00 h.
Saturday 6th of July: Start 5-day Silent Retreat
Thursday 11th of July: End Retreat
PROGRAM PART 2 | 2 nights
Saturday 13th of July: Check out
Everyone is invited to stay for 2 extra nights until Saturday morning. Organic meals are included, please have a look at the pictures below. Eibernest offers a perfect setting for gathering and spending time together. It has a swimming spot with natural water very close.
These two days serve as a bridge, to transition together from the retreat-modus back to the rhythm of daily life.
Are you a parent? Children are welcome after the retreat as well.
There will be a daily schedule with:
Heart circle
Kirtan (mantra singing)
You are free to join these activities, but is not mandatory. If you choose to rest that is absolutely fine.
The retreat is offered at 'Het Eibernest'.Eibernest is a very sweet little, cozy campsite. It is not a luxury place, it has 4 bathrooms, 4 toilets and is close to a natural swimming spot.
Hridaya is a yoga and meditation school in Mexico and France. They offer authentic yoga and meditation based on the teachings of Patanjali, Ramana's Maharishi and more. This retreat is held by an experienced Hridaya teacher: Iris Paule Fierens and is an invitation to discover the joy of being quiet.
It offers an opportunity to shed the layers of the ego and remember the eternal peace that lies at our core. You will receive wisdom and inspiration from various spiritual traditions. The retreat is not about finding something that is missing, but rather a process of opening yourself to a realm beyond all limitations. When you connect with that inner realm, it will infuse your entire life with its Love.
Regardless of whether you are new to meditation or have participated in numerous retreats before, we invite you to join on this retreat. Five days is a beautiful amount of time to get a taste of the power of being silent.
During the retreat you will learn
Techniques for calming your mind, relaxing your body, and opening your heart
Ramana Maharshi’s Self-Inquiry method (asking 'Who am I?')
Practices for centering in the Spiritual Heart and ways to infuse your daily life with its wisdom
The fundamental principles of non-duality (the teaching that everything is One)
Traditional, contemplative Hatha Yoga
Daily Schedule (subject to small changes)
07:00 - 9:00 Meditation (beginning in shorter segments)
09:00 - 10:00 Breakfast break
10:00 - 11:15 Lecture
11:15 - 12:30 Hatha Yoga
12:30 - 01:00 Meditation
01:00 - 16:00 Lunch and break
16:00 - 18:30 Meditation (beginning in shorter segments)
18:30 - 19:30 Time for personal practice and dinner
19:30 - 20:30 Daily themed spiritual discourse and Q&A
20:30 - 21:30 Meditation (may go later depending on length of Q&A)
The retreat will be offered in English.
Iris (47) is a Hridaya yoga and meditation teacher since 10 years. She devoted the last 15 years of her life to practice, teaching and therapies only. She studied pre- and perinatel therapy and is a biodinamic craniosacral practitioner and therapist.
Please note that this retreat is not designed for profit. The tuition fee for the retreat primarily supports charitable causes and covers the fee and expenses (flight) for the teacher. The organization will just be paid for the expenses.
Do you sleep in the yurts or in the tipi's? Please provide your own bedding, however we can organize it for you if you come from abroad.
Mattresses will be provided.
Food will be mostly organic and vegetarian / vegan, provided by ' Your Inner Sanctuary'.
Please register for the retreat trough: this form.
Thank you and we hope to see you soon 🙏🏽😊